La Caseteccia with burrata

La Caseteccia mit Burrata La Caseteccia mit Burrata und Büffelsalami ist ein einzigartiges Gericht, dass vom Büffel lebt. Du wirst es lieben! Rezept für 2 Portionen 300g Spaghetti 8 Scheiben scharfe Büffelsalami Schiacciata 2 Burrata die Bufala 1/2 Glas O

La Caseteccia with burrata and buffalo salami is a unique dish that lives from the buffalo. You will love it!

Recipe for 2 servings

  • 300g spaghetti
  • 8 slices of spicy buffalo salami schiacciata
  • 2 Burrata the Bufala
  • 1/2 glass of olives
  • 4 artichoke hearts
  • 1 shallot
  • Fresh herbs
  • White port wine
  • 125 ml vegetable broth
  • Tomato paste
  • Salt pepper
  • 1 jar of Paccetella tomatoes

Fry the shallots until translucent, add the olives, artichokes and tomato paste and fry.

Deglaze with white wine and add the broth.
Let everything boil down together.
Stir in the Paccetella tomatoes.
Add spices & herbs and stir in

Cook noodle until al dente.
Fry salami.

Serve and garnish the bufala with salami and burrata.

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