Italian roots of buffalo mozzarella

Italienische Wurzeln von Büffelmozzarella Beim Besuch in Bella Italia kommt man um gutes Essen nicht herum: Umgeben von der salzigen Meeresluft, dem fruchtbaren mediterranen Boden und der prallen Sonne nehmen die südländischen Speisen einen ganz eigenen,

When visiting Bella Italia, you can't avoid good food: Surrounded by the salty sea air, the fertile Mediterranean soil and the blazing sun, the southern dishes take on their very own, unmistakable taste, which accounts for the unique quality of the various dishes. So it's no wonder that the Italian classics have long since found their way into kitchens around the world. Because la dolce vita can also be savory: one of the most sought-after Italian imports is the creamy buffalo mozzarella, which makes every dish a pleasure. We'll take you on a culinary journey through the picturesque landscapes of the south to get to the bottom of the Italian roots of the cheese favorite.

Un'italiano vero

Real Italians know: Mozzarella is not just mozzarella. There are big differences, especially when it comes to the popular buffalo version of the cheese. Because the Italian original, Mozzarella di Bufala Campana DOP, cannot simply be made just anywhere: Authentic buffalo mozzarella must be produced in and around the Campania region on the Italian west coast. In the associated districts around Naples, Salerno and Caserna, the production of buffalo mozzarella is part of daily business. Our Mozzarella di Bufala Campana DOP comes directly from Campania, where the cheese is made according to tradition and by hand in a small family dairy. For a particularly high-quality result, our Mozzarella di Bufala is made from buffalo milk, which comes from ethical and species-appropriate animal husbandry. The animals are kept on natural pastures and receive a balanced diet. In this way we can guarantee a particularly sustainable and authentic Italian buffalo mozzarella for your taste experience.

The art of simplicity in Italian cuisine

Because Italian cuisine doesn't need much to be good. True to the motto: “Semplice, ma buona” (“Simple but good”), the most flavorful creations of the South can be prepared here with just a small selection of fresh ingredients. Of course, our buffalo mozzarella should not be missing – after all, it is an integral part of Italian recipes, just like tomatoes and olive oil.

These simple ingredients alone create the ultimate classic: L'insalata caprese - or in German: tomato-mozzarella. This is made from buffalo mozzarella and tomatoes sliced , alternately placed on a plate and with something olive oil and fresh basil. Thanks to this simple composition, you can taste the quality of the individual ingredients in every bite and the taste takes you straight to the south of Italy.

But the good buffalo mozzarella is not only a real pleasure in its own right, but also ensures a first-class taste experience when melted on a classic Bufalina pizza. Combined with the sweetness of the fruity tomato sauce and the crispy pizza dough, the intense aroma of the buffalo mozzarella comes into its own here.

For lovers of heartier delights, a fluffy piece of ciabatta combined with a few slices of juicy prosciutto and soft mozzarella di bufala offers a delicious alternative. The different flavors and consistencies of this simple snack harmonize perfectly with each other, making it the ultimate favorite snack for Italians.

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